Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ten Quick Tactics To Increase Your Self Confidence

Sometimes, self confidence can be hard to come by. Little things in life can erode our esteem and make it difficult to carry out heads high, but fortunately, there are steps you can take to build your confidence back up. The following 10 tips to feeling better about yourself do not solve serious problems or cure most of life's ailments, but they will give you a boost and improve your outlook so you are more capable of tackling whatever life may throw in your direction.

1. Get into shape - We all find various excuses to avoid achieving optimum fitness, and frankly, that's rather lame. Carefully chose a program that will keep you interested and gradually work it into your schedule. Before long, your fitness routine will be as much a part of your daily life as teeth brushing!

2. Compliment freely - Making other people feel good about themselves is one of the fastest ways to increasing your own self confidence. You realize the positive impact you can have and how important your opinion is! Notice new things about people in your life their like haircuts, good grades or new shoes and tell them how fantastic these things are. You elevate yourself as you lift others.

3. Be your own life-coach - Create motivational phrases for yourself to remind you to hold your head high and reach for new heights. Life can really be challenging at times and you need to be capable of overcoming obstacles, remaining focused and moving on. Understand the basic psychology of yourself in order to be the master of your own destiny.

4. Dress to impress - For most people, looking their best is a great way to boost confidence and increase motivation. When you look good you feel more apt to take the bull by the horns and initiate positive outcomes. Others take notice of the confidence in your step and look up to you. Avoid a sloppy, careless appearance to improve your mood and the impression you make on people.

5. Walk like a movie star - This may sound silly, but physical confidence increases the gravitational force around you. Consider the people who draw you in: are they sulking, moping and avoiding eye contact with others or do they have energy in their steps, power in their momentum and a stare that seems to penetrate? Let your body exude the confidence you have inside.

6. Sit up straight, elbows off the table, etc. - Be aware of your posture and movements. Crisp, calculated positioning affords the appearance of confidence and authority. Picking your teeth and slouching will cause a subconscious decrease in your confidence, whereas projecting strength and purpose with every movement will have the opposite effect.

7. Put yourself in the spotlight - Don't be so quick to sit in a back row or stand in anyone's shadow. Make yourself a part of every group and activity you encounter. Being in the habit of hiding will wear your confidence down and make you feel unworthy.

8. Always speak up and stand up for yourself - If you proposed an idea at work, lay unquestionable claim to it! If somebody has the audacity to put you down, let it bounce right off. Far too often, we allow the actions of others to have a negative influence on us both inside and out; you are far better than that!

9. Help others and be proud of it - Be it donations of time, money, extra clothing or your old furniture when you buy something new, helping others is a huge way to feel good about yourself. When you help others for all the right reasons, you are infused with a natural confidence that is basic and necessary for all people.

10. Be grateful, be humble - Counting your blessings is one amazing way to lift yourself higher. Knowing how fortunate you are gives you a natural elevation like nothing else. Humility is one of the biggest builders of confidence that will always be obvious to others and make you more likeable, grounded and realistic.

Improving your long term self confidence requires a good, hard look in the mirror but giving it a quick boost is easy with the above tips. Remember this advice on life's rainy days, when the boss is on your back, you can't seem to do anything right or you are just feeling a bit blue. True inner strength evolves with time and through experience, but having a few quick pick-me-ups to keep your confidence levels and your spirits high is very handy indeed!

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