Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is a Group Approach to Personal Development for You?

When pursuing personal development activities, it is good to spend a bit of time figuring out if individual activities or group activities are more effective for you. Finding the best approach will help you achieve your goals. Here is some information to help you decide if group or individual activities are best for you.

Think about the activities you already enjoy. If you enjoy reading, do you also participate in a book club? Do you watch sports alone, or do you get a group of friends together to enjoy the game? If you are not part of any group right now, consider the reasons. It may not be that you hate group activities, it could just be that you do not think you have time for a sewing circle or a weekly poker game. If this is true for you, then group personal development activities may be effective and enjoyable. On the other hand, if the reason you are not involved in any group activities is because you break into a cold sweat and start hyperventilating every time you find yourself in a group of people, then group personal development activities are probably going to cause more anxiety than they cure.

If you tend to procrastinate, maybe you are able to stick to your goals better when you are part of a group. Consider how you behave in both your personal life and in your professional life. If doing activities or projects with others helps you stay on task and reach your goals, group personal development activities will likely help you stay on track. If, on the other hand, you find that you spend a lot more time laughing, joking, or just just avoiding the tasks that need to be completed when you are with a group, then individual activities may be more suitable.

When you are part of a group, do you stay focused and motivated by showing up to all the activities? If you join groups and end up not showing up for the activity on a regular basis, you need to evaluate whether groups are your thing. Sometimes it is the function or the makeup of a certain group that either encourages or discourages participation. If this is true for you, use your time wisely by joining groups that are involved in an activity that you actually WANT to participate in. If the group dynamics are making you feel uncomfortable, change to a different group.

Your main focus should not be on what type of activities to participate in, or whether or not to join or leave a group. Your main focus must be on your goals. Life moves at a steady pace, and change is inevitable. Whatever you are doing now, it is going to change. You are going to change. Be willing to change your approach to personal development as you change and as life changes. Flexibility is essential.

Use the information above to help you determine whether or not group personal development activities are going to help or hinder your progress. Often a combination of group and individual activities is found to be effective.

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