Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Building a Better Life By Reducing Stress

Stress can be a major problem in your life if you let it. You may not think you have much to do with the amount of stress you experience, but the truth is that you can greatly reduce your stress by simply addressing problems and changing your mindset. Here are some tips to help you deal with your stress and move forward in your life.

1. Ask yourself if you cause yourself stress by procrastinating. A lot of the stress people experience is due to procrastinating. If you wait until the last minute to do anything, and then stress out about it, ask yourself why. Next time, try to take care of a task well ahead of time. You will find that your stress is gone and that you can now focus your attention on something else.

2. Change your schedule so that you avoid bad habits or addictions. If you find that you always sit down in front of the television after work, try stopping at the gym before you go home. If you always go out drinking on Friday nights, find a class that you can take instead. By changing your schedule, you will no longer have to deal with the stress of your bad habits and addictions. By avoiding them, your spirits will be lighter because you aren't being dragged down.

3. Investigate the reasons you feel the way you do about your addictions. An addiction can be more than drugs and alcohol. You might have a food addiction, an Internet addiction or even an exercise addiction. Examine the reasons for your addictive behavior, and seek help from others so you can discover how to conquer it.

4. Eliminate outside pressures that cause you stress, where you can. You can't always get rid of sources of stress, which is why it is crucial to eliminate external sources of stress when you can. Hate your job? Seek another one. Have a friend that makes you feel bad about yourself? Stop hanging out. By taking care of the stress you can take care of, it is easier to deal with the stress that is harder to handle.

5. Think about whether your problems are as big as they appear. Put things in perspective. For example, you may not have enough money to buy a new computer, but you sleep in a warm bed in a safe environment and your belly is full. Simply take a deep breath and think about the things that you already have that are working well for you. A good friend can help you with this.

6. Focus on the solution. Instead of dwelling on your problems, start thinking about what will happen when you solve them. By shifting your focus away from the problem and towards the solution, you will feel a subtle shift inside of you that helps you reach that solution.

Everyone must deal with stress sometimes, and it can be hard to deal with. Luckily, it is simple to conquer stress. Use the tips in this article to help you manage your stress in a better way so you can be happy once again.

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