Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Effective ways to feel good about yourself

When you look in a mirror, it's important that you like the person you see there. If you don't, or don't even recognize yourself anymore, you have got to figure out why and get back to feeling good about yourself. Here are some tips you can follow today that will facilitate change and help you to be someone you can be proud of.

1. Figure out the kind of person you would like to be. When you do this, you give yourself a concrete, detailed picture to look towards. You allow yourself to focus in on a goal, which means you can commit to it. If you skip this step, instead opting to "get better", your goal is so amorphous that it becomes hard to reach it. Get very specific about your hopes and what you hope to embody in the future.

2. Respect your parents. Many people want to be good parents, but a lot of people forget that they are still their parent's child. Respecting elders is a time honored tradition in parts of the world for a reason. When you behave as a better child to your parents, you remember where you came from. You soothe hurts that happened when you were a child, and you build a stronger relationship with your past, which gives you a deeper foundation to live from today.

3. Make an effort to parent your children better. Most parents want this, but you have to take action to make this happen. After all, your children look up to you for guidance about how they should look, what they should value, and how they should act. Parenting in a more active way makes them respect you more, and you can respect yourself more by knowing you have done everything you can to be the best parent you can.

4. Involve yourself in the community. Helping others is the best way to start feeling better about yourself. The more you find out about others, the more you can start to appreciate the things you have in your life. The more you interact with them, the more you start to see your own strengths start shining through. Helping others in your community will make you feel useful and allow you to feel a sense of pride for everything you do.

5. Learn something new. Learning something new will give you the feeling that you are accomplishing something. When you look back on what you didn't know, you will be able to feel pride that you have come so far.

7. Accept people for who they are--including yourself. A lot of times people don't like themselves because of conflicts with others or things that other people do. Accept that everyone is trying their best; their opinions have more to do with themselves than they have to do with you. You are not perfect, but you have many things going for you. Accept that others have their opinions, but realize your opinions count as well.

Keep these tips in mind, and you will soon start feeling better about yourself. Use them to be able to smile at that person in the mirror again.

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