Have you had trouble with low self esteem? Do you feel that life would be better if you were anyone but yourself? One of the cornerstones of personal development is the development of a healthy sense of self confidence. What does it take to be self confident? By reading this article, you will learn six easy steps to self acceptance and effortless self confidence.
Half a dozen happy things you can do today and every day!
1. Accentuate your positive points! Write a comprehensive list of all of your best features. Include the things that others compliment you on and the things that you personally like about yourself. These can be aspects of your personality, your appearance, your knowledge skills and abilities and anything else you can think of. Don't be shy! Everyone has positive features, and that includes you!
2. Think of the things about yourself that you would like to make even better! Make a list of the areas you would like to improve. These can be self improvement projects such as getting in better shape or achievement goals such as earning a certificate or a degree. Don't edit yourself as you make this list. Brainstorm all of the great things that you would like to do and be. You can sort them out later!
3. Make a list of goals and objectives. Using both your positive and "needs improvements"� lists, create a third list of your goals. These are the things that you would like to attain or achieve within a given period of time. You can have both short-term and long-term goals. Be sure to break all of your goals down into doable steps called objectives. This will help you keep focused on attaining your goals and give you the opportunity for lots of success along the way.
4. Celebrate your successes! Every time you attain one of your objectives, do something nice for yourself. When you're choosing your celebration, remember to choose things that are truly nice for you. For example, if one of your goals is to improve your nutrition and therefore your health, and you have done well for quite a while and are feeling fantastic, it doesn't make sense to celebrate that achievement with a big pile of junk food! Instead, participate in an activity that you truly enjoy. Always stay forward looking, and keep your eyes on the prize.
5. Acknowledge and value your successes! Don't let anyone diminish the value of your accomplishments and don't diminish them yourself. Every step of self improvement and personal development takes commitment and hard work, and that's something to be proud of.
6. Act "as if". When you wish to attain a goal, it can be very helpful to pretend that you have already obtained it, even if only to yourself. Take some time every day to imagine yourself as having been successful at achieving your goals. Imagine how you would behave having succeeded, and then behave that way. This will help you get where you're going!
Remember that the level of self esteem you now have took years to develop. Many of those years were your early formative years, and it's hard to get those back, but it's not impossible. When you value, nurture and take care of yourself, you can reprogram yourself, change your experience of the world and rebuild your self confidence. Follow the six steps we present here and remember that you are valuable, and your accomplishments are worthwhile.
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