Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Five Useful Personal Development Tips

Do you feel like you are not in control of your life? Make a few changes to your life thanks to these personal development tips.

Make some time for yourself, especially if your job does not satisfy you. Use this time to engage in activities you enjoy or that will help you achieve your goals. Acquiring new skills or spending time with the people who matter to you is a good way to boost your self-esteem and make you happier. Look for new activities to try and remember that this time should be an occasion to relax and have some fun. Use this time as a reward to motivate you throughout your work day.

It is important to stay close to your friends, but you should learn to avoid negative people. Do you have friends who complain all the time? Spending time with those kind of people can be very depressing. You should look for friends who have a positive attitude toward life and will help you stay motivated and have a good time. If you can, encourage your negative friends to make changes in their lives and perhaps look for new activities to do together to relax or acquire new skills.

Start a journal. Write down your goals everyday, make a list of things you achieved and a list of mistakes you made. Writing in a journal is a good way to keep track of the progress you are making. You can look back on your personal development journey over time and realize how much you have accomplished and get a better idea of which strategies were the most efficient. Keeping a journal is also a good way to feel accountable for accomplishing the goals you set for yourself.

Stay motivated by planning activities you enjoy. You should have major goals in mind, such as getting the job of your dreams or meeting the ideal spouse, but reward yourself along the way with small things you enjoy. Make a list of things you need to accomplish for the day or the week, and reward yourself with an evening out with friends or another activity you love once you have met your goals. The amount of money or time you spend should be proportional to the amount of work you put into reaching your goals.

Take the time to analyze your life and decide what matters to you. Adopt a critical attitude toward yourself, your job, your activities and your relationship to different people. Perhaps there are certain things you do not really need, or certain activities and relationships that are actually getting in the way. You need to take personal decisions regarding your priorities and accept to make a few sacrifices to meet your goals. This reflection should occur over a certain period of time; perhaps you could start meditating to develop the ability to reflect on your life as calmly and critically as possible.

Use these tips to develop the best personal development program possible. Whether you want to make a few changes or redefine your lifestyle entirely, organize yourself and find ways to stay motivated!

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