Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Personal Development Through Proper Time Management

Proper time management techniques are essential to successful self improvement. There are only so many hours in the day, and efficient use of one's time is a big factor in personal success, however you define it. This article presents some time management tips to help you use your time in better, more productive ways.

To get started on a better time management strategy, it is a good idea to keep a daily journal for a week or so. This will help you to understand how you presently spend your time and shed some light on what activities are nonproductive. Just carry a small notepad in your purse or pocket, and jot down all the things you do throughout each day, paying special attention to the duration of each activity and the time of day. Make each entry short, this need not be a big chore. Just cover as much of each day's activities as you comfortable can.

This list may reveal some surprises when you look it over later. It's easy to lose track of time and spend way too long surfing online, watching tv or just drifting in thought. Although ample recreation and downtime is needed, these periods can often be trimmed to make time for more important things. Things you want to accomplish, that is. Furthermore, the list will show how long you take to do tasks, and these times can also be trimmed with just a little attention to detail and efficiency. For instance, combining car trips alone can make extra time in your life and cut down on fuel while lowering stress at the same time. Always be on the lookout for ways to do things in a better or quicker way.

Use the list to determine when you are at your most productive. This is a good thing to know because you can then schedule important activities during your peak times and increase your productivity. Combine activities that work together well for you. For example, you may take daily walks for exercise but if you decide to listen to lectures or audio books during your walks, you will have increased the value of those walks by double!

Most importantly, you need to work with your natural rhythms and not against them. If you are not a morning person then do short, low-concentration work in the mornings. Clean up work around the house or office and clearing out your e-mail of all the deletable items would be sufficient. Don't respond to important requests when you are not at your peak. It's much better to wait until you are fully functioning to make a thoughtful reply.

Always keep in mind that you are only one person, and there is a limit to what you can accomplish. The tips you've read should help you to increase your output with the establishment of good time management techniques, but realize that if you don't get to something, there is always tomorrow. Start your daily log and gain the information you need to manage your time more efficiently.

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